
Africa and the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

Two hundred years ago, the “curse of Ham” was used to legitimize slavery. Both Ethiopians and Arabians claim the queen of Sheba, and it is thought that Moses and Jesus may have been black. Much has been said about the connection between Africa and the Bible. Unfortunately, despite numerous references to Africa and Africans in the Bible, most scholarly works exploring ancient Africa ignore...

R[abbi] Huna said in R[abbi] Joseph’s name (Noah declared), “you have prevented me from begetting a fourth son, therefore I curse your fourth son.” R[abbi] Huna also said in R[abbi] Joseph’s name: “You have prevented me from doing something in the dark (… cohabitation), therefore your seed will be ugly and dark-skinned.” R[abbi] Hiyya said: “Ham and the dog copulated in the Ark, therefore Ham came forth black-skinned while the dog publicly exposes his copulation.”24 The Babylonian Talmud (sixth century)
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